Nutrition Services for the Endurance Athlete & Adventurer
The "HardCor" Plan
Elevate your performance with this nutrition plan.
Service Description
Maximize the impact of your training with the HardCor Plan. Designed specifically for new athletes or the experienced, train for their upcoming event, race or competition. This nutrition plan is the perfect addition to your training regimen, helping your body fuel and recover during intense training blocks. The HardCor Plan is a 3 month commitment. Service Includes: * Full dietary analysis and discussion of results with individualized nutrition recommendations *One live virtual session (60 minute) * A meal & snack guide to support training (pre, during and post workout nutrition) * Weekly check in phone calls (4 per month) * Guidance/ support throughout your training journey with weekly email follow-ups * Race Day Nutrition Plan ** BONUS Carbohydrate loading plan (only for people participating in a race/event)